
Transport Facility Guidelines for Shah Satnam Ji Girls’ College

At Shah Satnam Ji Girls’ College, the safe passage of each student is of paramount importance. Our transportation services are crucial for ensuring that students, faculty, and staff can commute to and from campus conveniently and safely. The College operates its fleet of outsourced vans, and a separate transport fee is charged for this optional service.

To ensure safe travel, a transport attendant is always available on campus for supervision and monitoring. In addition to implementing safety norms, all staff on the vans are helpful and supportive in managing the transport service.

Rules Governing the Transport Facility

Optional Service: The transport service is an optional facility provided and outsourced by the College for the convenience of its students.

Van Assignment: Students using the van service will be assigned a specific van number and pick-up stop number. Parents are requested to accommodate these assignments.

Notification of Changes: Any changes in the van timings will be communicated to parents by the Transport Department.

Discipline: Students must maintain discipline while travelling on the College vans. Misconduct will result in the student being denied access to the van facility.

Limited Availability: The transport service is not available for other activities or events that the College may plan on holidays or vacations.

Safety and Convenience: The College takes utmost care to ensure the safety and convenience of the students using the transport service.

Shah Satnam Ji Girls’ College is committed to providing a safe and efficient transport service for all its users.